E-Max Veneer in Turkey
E-Max Veneer in Turkey
Due to their light transmission properties, "E-max veneer in Turkey" crowns have a rich depth and vitality, blending perfectly with your natural teeth. In our laboratory, we can design a new smile expeditiously with crowns produced utilising our CEREC CAD-CAM technology, supported by a 3-D computer scanner and 3-D printer. ‘E-max’ crowns are extremely durable, are made from first class materials, offering colour-tone compatibility to match the patient’s existing teeth.
‘E-max’ crowns have a highly polished surface that doesn’t allow for the accumulation of bacteria and plaque. They are designed to ensure a perfect fit with the patient’s gums, preventing tooth decay of neighbouring healthy teeth.
While creating an aesthetic ‘smile design’ for the patient, careful preparation by specialist dental physicians is necessary when producing ‘E-max’ coatings.
The advantages of ‘E-max’ Crowns
The materials used do not cause allergic reactions.
Tartar accumulation does not occur on tooth surfaces.
The material is resistant to fluctuations of temperature thus preventing heat damage to the coating.
E-max’ Crowns are translucent, providing good light transmittance, thus giving the closest aesthetic appearance to the patient’s natural teeth.
‘E-max’ crowns have higher light transmittance than zirconium crowns, however, zirconium crowns are slightly more durable than the ‘E-Max’ crown. When fitted, ‘E-Max’ crowns are completely indistinguishable from the patient’s natural teeth.